Over the past 18 months, mining companies have been increasingly investing in fire protection systems to safeguard their operations…
If you work at a large industrial plant or mine, you may have noticed those hydraulic lubricating oil packs, or perhaps the diesel generator sets, oil store rooms, pump rooms or flammable liquids stores…
Allowing untrained professionals to service and maintain fire protection systems will not only dent a mining company’s profit but it also puts its employees at great risk…
Broadly speaking there are two methods to sense fire conditions using cable. Most commonly used in the South African market is the digital type method: essentially…
When a fire breaks out on a conveyor belt, the consequences can be devastating. Not only can it result in a considerable loss of profits and downtime but it also puts mine workers in harm’s way…
Correct selection of detectors is vital.
Alien Systems & Technologies (AST) offers a wide range of automatic fire detection systems from advanced ultra-smart addressable point type detection systems to regular conventional systems.
Moving forward into 2019, Alien Systems & Technologies has put new value-added services in place for customers.New value-added services Pyroshield IG55 gaseous automatic fire extinguishing systems.
As the year draws to a close, it is natural that people start looking forward to the holidays. It is therefore quite easy to neglect to consider the damaging effect a fire could have on businesses during.
Restoring protection after a fire is an integral part of the service.