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Aspirating Very Early Warning Detectors

Aspirating Very Early Warning Detectors

Aspirating ‘fire’ and ‘smoke’ Detector

The Cirrus Hybrid detector is a new and unique concept in aspirating fire and smoke detection technology. It is made unique because of how the fire and smoke detection technologies work independently from each other through complex algorithms interacting together to provide intelligent alarm decision making.

The result of this synergy is a device that can verify true alarm conditions across the largest range of fire types. A further important result of this synergy is the discrimination of unwanted or false alarms which have historically and continue to plague so many ‘optical only’ aspirating detectors.

Aspirating Cloud Chamber Detector

The New Cirrus Cloud Chamber Detectors have a vast sensitivity range capable of being even more sensitive than previous versions. The ‘sensitivity range’ is the key feature that makes the Cirrus CCD the most versatile fire detection device. These detectors can be installed in dusty, humid and high & low temperature applications.

In addition, we provides carbon monoxide sensors that are used in conjunction with other detection principles such as optical and heat providing the ultimate in fast response to a fire signal while dismissing unwanted alarms. The sensor provides total confidence that when initiated, there really is a fire threat. Sensor variants include integral programmable sounders, talking sounders and visual alarm devices.

Aspirating Smoke Detector

The Pro Point Plus provides up to four separate detectors within a common aspirator enclosure providing four individual identifiable areas of detection per aspirator.

Each of the four plug-in ‘Scatter Chamber Detectors’ (SCD) detector modules can either be ‘optical’ only or combined ‘optical/CO’ detectors. Independent and integrated alarm decision making through the use of complex algorithms extend the range of particle detection, confirm genuine alarms and reduce unwanted alarms.

Remote Display Programmer

The Aspirating Detector Remote Display Programmer (ADRDP) has been developed for aspirating detector installations where many detectors are installed within a common building such as a warehouse complex. It is best suited in areas where it may not be commercially viable or necessary to have a full touchscreen display on every detector.

The ADRDP is compatible with the Cirrus HYBRID, Cirrus CCD and ProPoint Plus aspirating detectors and can be integrated into the Hercules graphics software and is TCP/IP enabled.

Aspirating Pipe & Fittings

Made from Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) a homogenous material with good chemical resistance and high impact strength with a temperature range of -40°C to +70°C. The Aspirating Pipe & Fittings are produced under strict quality control system approved to EN ISO 9001.


Cirrus Hybrid

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